7 Fashion Rules to Follow to Always Look Your Best

fashion rules to follow

The fact that we all have different tastes and sense of style is what makes fashion so fun. After all, life would be pretty boring if we all looked and dressed the same. That being said, there are several fashion ‘rules’ to follow that can help you to always look and feel your best.

Don’t focus on trends

This can be a hard rule to follow. Not only is keeping up with every trend impossible it is also a waste of money to buy into every trend only to never wear the pieces again. This isn’t to say never buy on-trend pieces, it just means keep these purchases to a minimum. Only buy something you really love and will get a lot of wear out of.

Don’t over accessorise

Whilst it may be fun to keep piling on the final touches to a look, the aim with accessories is to enhance an outfit and not overshadow it. Stick to one or two timeless and simple pieces per outfit. Less is more!

simple accessories

Invest in good quality capsule pieces

There are certain pieces in our wardrobes that we wear more than others. Coats, boots, jeans. Whilst it may be tempting to shop these pieces budget-friendly, spending a little more for better quality will save you money in the long run.

READ MORE: How to Build A Capsule Wardrobe

Quality over quantity

Trust me, you really don’t need an endless pit of clothes. Nor do you need to have a brand-new outfit on every time you leave the house. Having a few pieces that you wear often and are of good quality is much more important and environmentally friendly.

capsule wardrobe

Find your uniform

Easier said than done, but once you’ve found a style you like and that you feel confident in, you’ll be able to shop smarter. Meaning fewer impulse buys. Having a uniform is also the key to always looking put together.

Be inspired

Inspiration can come from anywhere; social media, magazines, movies your friends, or random people on the street. Creating a mood board or Pinterest board is a great way to have all your ideas and inspirations in one place. Don’t be afraid to pick ideas from different areas until you find the style for you.


Dress to impress yourself

Finally, the only person you should be dressing for is you. Stop caring about what others think and wear what you feel good in. After all, fashion is subjective. No matter what you wear someone is always going to love it, and someone is always going to hate it simply because it is not their style. As long as you love it, that is all that matters.



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